MTCTCE MikroTik Certified Traffic Control Engineer
Inscribirme ahoraEstarás en la capacidad de gestionar la calidad del servicio para la red utilizando colas de RouterOS, firewall y otras características.
Dirigido a

Mario Clep
Chief Technology Officer, MKE Solutions

Maximiliano Dobladez
Chief Technology Officer, MKE Solutions
- Why this diagram is necessary?
- Full overview of all things covered by the diagram
- Simple examples how packet travels through the diagram
- Routing
- Bridging
- Connection to router
- More complex examples of diagram usage
- Module 1 laboratory
- Connection tracking
- Filter • Chains (default/custom)
- All rule «actions» covered
- Most common rule «conditions» covered
- Chains (default/custom)
- All rule «actions» covered
- Most common rule «conditions» covered
- NAT helpers • Mangle
- Chains (default/custom)
- All rule «actions» covered • Most common rule «conditions» covered
- Some complicated rule «conditions» covered («advanced», «extra» tab)
- UPnP
- Module 2 laboratory
- Bridging overview
- Bridge concepts and settings
- Creating bridges
- Adding ports to bridges
- Bridge wireless networks
- Station bridge
- Module 3 laboratory
- Routing overview
- Routing concepts
- Route flags
- Static routing
- Creating routes
- Setting default route
- Managing dynamic routes
- Implementing static routing in a simple network
- Module 4 laboratory
- 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Concepts
- Frequencies (bands, channels) data-rates / chains (tx power, rx sensitivity, country regulations)
- Setup a simple wireless link
- Access Point configuration
- Station configuration
- Wireless Security and Encryption
- Access List
- Connect List
- Default Authenticate
- Default Forward
- WPS accept, WPS client
- Monitoring Tools
- Snooper
- Registration table
- Module 5 laboratory
- Firewall principles
- Connection tracking and states
- Structure, chains and actions
- Firewall Filter in action
- Filter actions
- Protecting your router (input)
- Protection your customers (forward)
- Basic Address-List
- Source NAT
- Masquerade and src-nat action
- Destination NAT
- dst-nat and redirect actions
- FastTrack
- Module 6 laboratory
- Simple Queue
- Target
- Destinations
- Max-limit and limit-at
- Bursting
- One Simple queue for the whole network (PCQ)
- pcq-rate configuration
- pcq-limit configuration
- Module 7 laboratory
- PPP settings
- PPP profile
- PPP secret
- PPP status
- IP pool
- Creating pool
- Managing ranges
- Assigning to a service
- Secure local network
- PPPoE service-name
- PPPoE client
- PPPoE server
- Point-to-point addresses
- Secure remote networks communication
- PPTP client and PPTP server (Quick Set)
- SSTP client
- Module 8 laboratory
- RouterOS tools
- Netwatch
- Ping
- Traceroute
- Profiler (CPU load)
- Monitoring
- Interface traffic monitor
- Torch
- Graphs
- The Dude
- Contacting support@mikrotik.com
- supout.rif, autosupout.rif and viewer
- System logs, enabling debug logs
- Readable configuration (item comments and names)
- Network diagrams
- Module 9 laboratory
Esquema de inversión
Precio preventa hasta el 20 de Enero
2 días de 9 hrs c/u
- Entrenamiento personalizado
- Derecho al Examen de Certificación MikroTik
- Coffee Break y almuerzos por los 3 días de entrenamiento.
- Guía digital en Español
- Certificado de capacitación
- Pertenecer al grupo de consultores de Comutel Academia
- Licencia MikroTik Level 04
- Examen final
Sólo examen: $100.00
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